Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Toy Raid!

(originally written 3-13-2008)

Dougal has a new hobby, and I finally figured it out today. I call it, "Toy Raid." It took me a little while to work out what he was trying to do when he would sneak past me into the house, run through to the upstairs, stay a moment, then run back down, and straight back out the back door. I put it all together, though, when I realized that every single time he does this, he has a toy in his mouth.

He doesn't pick up just any toy, however. It has to be a soft, squeaky toy. Those are his favorites. And it does not take him long to chew them into an unrecognizable mass of dead former squeakiness. Dougal does not abandon it then. Far from it. Oh no...he is just getting to the good part then. He will carry the "dead" squeaky toy around after that for weeks. He has a secret cache of such items, and beware the dog that goes near it! He is quite protective of his "kill."

The amusing part is seeing the looks on people's faces when they see this large, white, wolf-looking dog trotting up carrying one of these "dead" items in his mouth. The look of disgust and horror is priceless because it is obvious that they think he has truly killed a bird or squirrel! I generally take pity on them, and after assuring them that no, he does not bite, and yes, he is all dog, not part-wolf (well, I think he does have a bit of wolf in him, but don't tell anyone!), I tell them that he is carrying a "dead" tennis ball or "dead" squeaky toy. Many go away not looking fully convinced.

Dougal went on another Toy Raid today. He zoomed out the back door with TWO toys this time! I bet he feels like it was a bonus hunting day. I've been hearing the squeak, squeak of his ministrations as he goes about de-squeaking the toys and going in for the kill on the back deck. All is quiet now...time for a another squeaky toy funeral, I bet!

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