Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Of Dogs and Men...and Women...and More Dogs...

(originally written 12-27-2006)

Why Siberian Huskies? This is the question I get from a lot of people, especially people who know that I used to have a thing for little dogs. Anyone who has spent time in the presence of a Husky, however, knows the appeal of these great furry creatures. Anyone with sense, that is.

Take the Siberian smile. Who can resist that? Their great, soulful eyes, whether blue, brown, or green, sparkle with mischief and glow with intelligence. And a Husky does not bark like an ordinary dog. No, they will "talk" with you, with a sort of "woo woo" sound that is a cross between a wolfish howl and...something!

Sure they can be destructive. If a Siberian comes into your life, don't expect to have a beautifully manicured lawn. Your Sibe will take it upon himself to dig several small swimming pools for you all over your yard. Designer clothes? Mine are designed by Maya et alia, complete with Husky paw prints and Husky hair. No outfit is complete without Husky hair, and when they're blowing their coats, which happens twice a year, you will be styling in a MAJOR way!

I have thought about starting up a side business where I take the hair that I brush off them when they're blowing their coats, spin it into the yarn, and knit scarves and sweaters. VOILA! Instant Christmas gifts. Siberian sweaters and scarves should become a really hot item, I think, and I should be able to retire early. Right.

Anyway, my blog is going to be dedicated to the Huskies at Happy Trails, the kennel that my mom and I have started. If you are wondering how in the world I will find enough to write about with eight dogs and the litters of pups that we produce, then you have not observed the Sibe in action! Just thinking back over the past year since we started, several incidents come to mind.

For example, there was the time that Robert, my stepdad, drove his car into the back yard to unload a new kennel that he had just picked up. He unloaded and walked into the house for a minute, leaving the back of his car open. He walked out to find six Huskies in his car, ready to go for a joyride! Unfortunately, he did not get his camera out before they jumped out of the car to go find other things to get into!

You can also observe the gang at various times engaging in Husky versions of football, complete with tackling, using an object for a ball, and racing for some sort of goal. Once they used pears that had fallen from a pear tree as the balls and chased each other around and tackled each other, trying to wrestle the pear from the original carrier. It didn't matter that there were bunches of pears of the ground already, they HAD to get the ONE pear that the first dog had!

Xena turned her nose up at the pears in favour of a rock. She carried the rock around in her mouth all over the place and carried it into her kennel at night. She would growl at any dog that tried to take the rock from her. Needless to say, the rock became a highly prized item, and all of the others HAD to have it, even if it was only for a few minutes.

Nope. Never a dull moment with a Husky around!

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